Saturday, April 25, 2009

What do u think?

I know this is a sensitive issue...
but try to give some opinions.

What do you think about arrange marriage?
and how about the one that we're crush with
but family can't trust our own choice or mybe the person
and bla..bla
although the person is nice,sincere/reliable,honest....
so back to your feelings and emotionals
how's the outcome goin to be?


  1. for me:i don't mind .. as long as they gud for us.. cause parents no wat we really want and they may not pick the wrong... b4 they did that they may consider evryting.. ur happines as well.. tats my opinion...

  2. about the one ur crush.. errr u better get no him more..

  3. thats y i keep away from love since i during study... coz all that we plan sometimes not according to plan...

    for ur case... i'm not expert in this kind of situation but base on the muvie that i wathced.. dunt try to runaway... coz. it might be that ur parents did not know about the person u choose... u knows better than us

  4. Shakespeare wrote :
    "Love is blind , and lovers cannot see.."
    "if music be the food of love...then play on....."

    but our conscience may say something else, in total disagreement with Mr Shakespeare !

  5. It is always different in different situations and people. I have seen both kind of weddings being successful one's as well as disasters. But than again, personally i have learnt that humans are social animals, and we cant live running away. we cant make successful relations by breaking other relations. U cant win a heart breaking another one..... although we say this is my life, but is it really? every decision u make is concerned about others, me, in all religions, is all humanity, ur parents have far more right on u than anyone else.

    Someone once said, everyone can make a decision about whats wrong and whats wrong, but those r the real man, who can decide which right is better right from the two, or which wrong is less wrong from the two :)

    Good luck with all the decisions u make in life

  6. oops sorry, i have to use a OpenID to post in ur blog, its me Atif.

  7. as much as some may disagree----a parents blessing is the start to more blessings ! And I'm not saying this because I'm a parent. I have always strive to give my understanding to my children even if sometimes I cannot give my agreement.

  8. Depends on fate and both you and your arranged couple..

    patience, give and take is the key..

    but mostly family choices is always the right one...

    P/S : My family give me the right to choose but i'm always get the bad mistake i guest.... maybe i will let my family arranged for me someday...hahaha.. :)

  9. Sir, i thought RT0WItJ was a virus code luckily u mention urself.

    Thanks for every comment and for sharing ur idea.
