Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thanks a lot.

Thanks to our dear lecturers and my news frends. Nice to meet you is such a pleasure to know u people during the camp...anyway i also hv other new frend "monkey" hehe...cheers!


  1. Poor monkey must be wondering where have all his nice new found friends gone to !

  2. owwwww dont woryy still got Rudy where u can meet him everyday in the college.. hahaha

  3. so Lee, if stumbled with any of us in college, don't be afraid to talk with us ok......

  4. Lee!! of course u can meet me.. But never assume i will look like the mOnkey K.. n never treat me Like that moNkey too ok.. keeP in touch dUde..

  5. Hey guys, monkey also have some feelings, treat him with respect :p

  6. Yeah...surely i'll never forget u ol, juz that maybe i can't remember ol of ur name. Infact, the mysteriuos guy "helas" i knw very well...i do agree feeling and emotional is important, for example: if u're shopping also u need something or stuff that can satisfied ur's all deal with our feelin. Same goes to the animal...even the monkey also got angry cuz helas locked her...'she' chased helas all the way:D (true or not helas)

    But no worries i'm not gonna treat oOo like how i treated the monkey. Not even visualize u as that monkey:)
