Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Today i feel like i'm back to my primary chung hua school...singing in the mandarin class hehe...anyway itwas enjoyable.


  1. oooo.. singing ek... how can i follow ur blog miss... hehehe

  2. First of all, may i know who is this? (leas-lee@blogspot.com)

  3. ow, i saw ur blog update from mr sunnysideup.. well looks like u one of the sunnyside up community rite?? heheh.. Dunt worry i would not harm u.. keep on blogging,


  4. See lee ! I told you gelas will visit you. You can welcome him. He's a nice friendly member of our community !
    Hmmmm... Then you should have sung the song in your presentation today.
    Never mind.Next time ya ?

  5. 'gelas' ??????? sorry helas ---wrong tab !

  6. Owww.. April fool again hahahah... Emm can consider ,bcoz i see the keyboard next to "H" is "G".. heheh...

    by the way.. any record for the SONG?? heheheh

  7. not yet... coming soon. Right lee ? heheh

  8. yes yes yes... i wish to see the video.. live performance.. hheheheheh

  9. I don't think so...my voice is limited addition one...lol:D...Hey singing is one of by hobby...i started to sing since i'm 11 years old:)my bathroom is the best studio for me...lol..not at condo here of course only at my house.I miss that moment during at Kuching...can surf the internet anytime too...now either i have to go to cyber of online at hotspot area. Hmmm...tat's why its kinda hard even to create our blog...i mean nothing much appear...only during PC class then we check it out.

  10. so talented in singing ek... good good.. hahah... i'll the copy for the singing ahahahahah...

    ow by the way... get your logo at my blog.. already designit for u just now.. k follow the step.. no need to worry...
